Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's Harvest Time!

Being a first time gardener, I've learned a lot this planting season. How to keep birds out, how to water, how to shade my little darlings from the blistering Arizona sun... but, nothing could prepare me for this!

I found the firstborn of our zucchini harvest today "hiding" under a massive leaf. I shouted for Son & let him do the pickin' honors. He was so thrilled with our green beaut he took it to preschool to show all of his classmates {since they are taking about plants today}. Meant to be.

I'm very excited for our fall harvest to begin, but I'm even more excited for our stir-fry dinner tonight! Delish!


  1. wow, thats a huge zucchini! I love how decorative it is at the top too!

  2. That's so awesome! :) Its such an accomplishment growing things. Way to go!

  3. wow what a great little garden!
