Tuesday, August 17, 2010

School Days

A momentous thing happened today in the Hinze home... Son's first day @ preschool!

He was so super excited to go to this new, older preschool. He looked so dignified telling me about all of the super fun things they are planning on doing. I was impressed to be sent home with a list full of questions to ask & items to talk about with him so I would understand what he's doing at school each & every day.

He's also super jazzed about his aunt being one of his teachers. He loves her to pieces & is pretty stoked about being able to call her by her first name when all the other kids have to call her Mrs...

I love you Son. I love your tenacity, I love your toothless smile & I LOVE your hugs. Have fun getting learned!

A celebratory ice cream of course.


  1. Oh, our kido's are growing up way to fast! It makes me so sad. I love that last picture they look so happy! Jonah we love you! :)

  2. your kids are so cute :) and you are so creative..this is a fun blog! Ok, I will keep reading, but how did he lost his tooth??? he is to young isnt he?

  3. Long story made short... He cracked it when he was little & the dentist did a shotty job bonding it. A cavity crept into the bond ruining his tooth. We found out when it broke... again. The cavity was to the nerve so the pediatric dentist thought it would be best to pull it. Traumatic for mother way more than child. He was in a twilight sleep. So now he's Toothless, like in "How to Train Your Dragon," as he says.
