Monday, November 29, 2010

It's a Thanksgiving Miracle!

Today there is much to be thankful for. Today I awoke to minimal queasiness. Today I was told Dot's arm is healing so rapidly her cast will come off a week from today. Hooray! Today I cleaned my whole house for the first time in a month. Seriously. {It was near the point of being condemned. That's why none of you have been invited over.} Today I bought a gingerbread house kit for the kids & smores for the fire we will be building tonight. Today I made the William-Sonoma chicken pot pie recipe without dry heaving.

Oh Lord, thank you for all of my many blessings. Thank you for my sweet family's patience & support this month. Thank you for your kindness even through difficult times. I know they are opportunities to become better. Thanks for still loving me when those opportunities backfire. Thank you for providing me with the knowledge that gratitude is to be expressed all the year through.

So... thank you wide world for all the good there is in you. Thank you to those out there who do kind, considerate things for others. Thank you to me for realizing there is much good to be seen in a time where it seems scarce.

Today has been a gift that I wanted to share with you. Hopefully you can have one tomorrow.

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